Welcome to Antoinette Alexander™ Signature Collection

The Antoinette Alexander™ Signature Collection is a line of skin care that is universal and can be used by all. It works with everyone, regardless of skin type, color, gender or age. It removes the need to find condition-specific products, such as for fair skin, dark skin, oily or dry, or for products developed “specifically” for men or women.

One of the reasons for this universal effectiveness is its scientific design.  A lot of the products on the market aren’t able to get through the top layers of skin. My Elixir skincare formula uses the most efficacious ingredients and encapsulating active ingredients in an amazing timed- release delivery system called MICROSOMES™.

Only a timed-release system can deliver those active ingredients to the depths needed to see true results. Amazing, performance-driven ingredients and the science of how to deliver them deep into the skin allows all of us to have great skin, hydrated, moisturized, beautifully healthy and radiant.